Reference sites
References from Employers and Partners
Implementation of natural water treatment projects
1. Report on the state of the art and recommendations for modernization of the drinking water treatment plant “Hubcha" and the “Prevala" PMSD – Smolyan, 2018;
2. Extended pre-investment project (PIP) for reconstruction of the Encez DWTP – Kardzhali, 2018;
3. Extended PIP for Chuprene DWP – Belogradchik, 2018;
4. Extended PIP for Pavel Banya – for Pavel Banya, 2018;
5. PIP for improvement of the drinking water quality in the town of Radnevo, Galabovo, Chirpan and in 30 more settlements in the Stara Zagora region, including the construction of new water sources and external intake water mains, 2018.
More important projects for building plumbing installations
Жилищен комплекс от затворен тип с подземни гаражи, кв. “Овча купел”, гр. София
Сградни ВиК инсталации